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Turkana Governor pledges to support herders
Uganda Releases Turkana Herders
Turkana Governor welcomes the senators for the senate mashinani
Senate Mashinani is to hold sittings in Turkana County this week from 25th to 29th September.
Governor Lomorukai calls for Gov't intervention on the release of 32 Kenyans detained in Uganda
Residents of Turkana County want senate to prioritize lowering of cost of living.
Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai on Preservation of Culture & Heritage
Residents of Lokitaung and Kaeris in Turkana North protest transfers revoked by TSC
Turkana Governor accused of 'stopping' demonstrations
Herders invade Kitui | Herders invade farm in search of pasture and water
Turkana residents benefit from free medical camp
Turkana drought: Kalapata among places hardest hit